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Rely on in a sentence

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Sentence count:228+14Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: relybarelyentirelyseverelyrelativelytry oneveryonecarry onMeaning: v. be dependent on, as for support or maintenance. 
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61. You can always rely on Maggie-she'd never let the side down.
62. We have to rely on him to make the design.
63. We rely on new sources of energy to meet demand .
64. You cannot rely on her; for instance, she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.
65. This is confidential, but I know that I can rely on your discretion.
66. I could always rely on Gary for friendship and support.
67. He believes many "psychics" are frauds who rely on perception and subtle deception.
68. You can always rely on Jim, he won't fail you.
69. They have to rely on the river for their water.
70. In default of experts'help, we shall have to rely on our own efforts.
71. The party could no longer rely on its traditional supporters.
72. You can rely on him to crack a joke when things get tense in the office.
73. My car's a law unto itself I can't rely on it.
74. You can't just rely on secondary sources for your research into her life history - you ought to look at primary sources such as her letters and diaries.
75. Can we confidently rely on him to get the job done?
76. You can't rely on the weather being fine for anything you plan in England.
77. We had no computer backup and had to rely on old paper files to reconstruct the records.
78. These television companies rely on advertising revenue for their funds.
79. At present the organization has to rely on young(, inexperienced graduates who are usually birds of passage.
80. The investigation will rely on existing powers to subpoena documents.
81. I'd like to come with you but that's not a promise, don't rely on it.
82. Old people often rely on pets for comfort and companionship in their twilight years.
83. Don't rely on him to do anything he's just a talker.
84. Theatres increasingly have to rely on the goodwill of private sponsors to survive.
85. He is not the man to promise you the moon.You may rely on him.
86. We can rely on our children to do such work.
87. Don't rely on his memory he's a bit of a dreamer.
88. In times of crisis it's good to have someone you can rely on for advice.
89. Once customers come to rely on these systems they almost never take their business elsewhere.
90. In the future, Mr. Fernandes says(, he won't rely on others to handle this.
More similar words: relybarelyentirelyseverelyrelativelytry oneveryonecarry onbeyond controlbeyond questionrelaxreliefbarrelor elserelatelatelysafelylikelywidelyfreelysolelyreleaserelieverelatedlargelycloselyrelativederelictrelationrelevant
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